Wednesday, March 28, 2007


This spring I signed up to play softball. My brother, some of his friends and I all started up a team. I am very excited to play. I played baseball in high school and have been missing it a lot. Softball will be a way to kind of rekindle the fun I had playing. Softball however is much different than high school baseball. The ball is a lot bigger and it is slow pitch. One misconception is that it is easy to crush the ball in softball. It is actually more complicated than it seems. Most people try and swing upwards and attempt to hit a homerun. This actually doesn't usually have very good results. When you try to swing like this, it usually results in a pop fly out. I will try and remember that when I play because I'm sure I might get tempted to do the same. We were supposed to have our first game tonight. It rained all day though and the first game was cancelled. We have our next game next week. I can't wait to begin the season. It will be a fun experience.

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