Wednesday, March 28, 2007

New Phone

I recently bought a new phone. I waited two whole years until my contract was up so I could upgrade to a new phone. I went to the phone store and picked out the one that I liked the best. I chose the new LG verizon phone. I chose the LG because I have always been using LG and I am used to how they operate. My phone is also very slick. It is a sharp looking phone. It is very professional. It would serve well as a business phone. It really amazes me how much the cell phone can do now. The phone I bought isn't really top of the line or anything but it is capable of checking e-mail, texting, taking photos, and many others. Some phones now even have live tv feed on them. Ringtones are also very popular. I think it is absolutely amazing how much cell phones can do. When cell phones were first invented all they could do is make a local call. So much has changed since then. I can only imagine what might be next. The technology we are creating is unbelievable and it is only going to get better and better.

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